Home Remedies for Razor burns


Home Remedies for Razor burns

Razor burn is definitely an uncomfortable condition but you need to be aware that this can resolve on its own over a period of time. Razor bumps are due to ingrown hair but razor burns are caused due to shaving. These itchy bumps or ingrown hair can be avoided by using some of the home remedies listed below.

Shaving is an easy way out for most women. It requires less of an effort and can also save on some hard-earned money you would otherwise spend in the parlor.

*Cold Compress:

This irritation problem you face after shaving can be sorted out to a large extent with the application of a cold compress. This is one of the simplest ways you can tackle razor burns as this is extremely effective. The nerve activity is reduced due to the skin temperature being lowered.

All you need to do is wrap some ice cubes and apply these in the area which is affected for a few minutes. You have the choice of using a wet towel in case you do not have any ice cubes.

*Use Honey:

As known, honey is known to have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. This has been used for thousands of years for treating skin disorders and wounds. The affected area of the skin tends to get well hydrated and smooth with the application of honey. Ensure you leave this on for at least 10 minutes before you rinse this off with warm water.

*Petroleum Jelly:

Shaving normally leads to a dry and itchy skin. It is important to restore the balance of natural moisture as soon as you have shaved a specific area. Petroleum jelly is one of the best choice in the moisturizer you can use.

Apply this on the affected are and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wipe this with a wet towel.

*Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera can work wonders for any skin problem. Besides being an agent for anti-bacteria, aloe vera is a good moisturizer. You need to extract the gel from the leaf and rub it gently on the skin. Wash this with warm water but only after it has dried.

*Apple cider Vinegar:

With the presence of the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar is perfect for soothing the irritated skin. Mix equal parts of this vinegar with water and apply this to the affected area with a cotton ball. Let this dry. Dip a tea black into hot water for some time and then let this tea bag cool in the refrigerator. Massage the affected area with this.

*Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil can eliminate dry and hard skin conditions. You need to mix honey with this coconut oil and a little sugar for maximum benefits. This natural scrub needs to be applied to the area which is affected with the razor burn. Wash this after around 10 minutes with warm water.

The home remedies for razor burns are natural and thus you can look forward to multiple benefits. You can save on money and time.