What is constipation?: Stool removal is less frequent than usual and more difficult during pregnancy. Also, the stool becomes hard and dry. It is normal for pregnant women to become overwhelmed at some point during pregnancy because of this. If this disorder is not fought in time, it can cause hemorrhoidsand digestive problems.
Why is constipation common?
The hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy, and especially the increase in the hormone progesterone, slow down the digestive process and intestinal transit. It is the hormone most produced during pregnancy, and its relaxing function of muscle fibers exits the intestine normally, reducing activity and causing the dreaded constipation.
However, there are other circumstances that can cause constipation during pregnancy. such as taking a supplement rich in iron, not exercising, and above all, drinking few liquids and not consuming foods that contain fiber. In very rare cases, constipation is a symptom of another serious disorder, but the body needs more fluid and therefore the stool becomes hard and the elimination process slows down.
Normally it does not have to lead to any more problems, but if you experience pain in the gut, if it alternates with diarrhea, mucus or blood is expelled, you should call your gynecologist.
Tips to avoid constipation
The problem improves when the mother-to-be eats fruits, vegetables, and other high-fiber foods (such as grains and legumes), and tries to drink water every day. It is recommended to consume those rich in iron and calcium, necessary during pregnancy. Not everyone in these groups is beneficial: raw apple, raw carrot, and rice are astringent and should not be taken if you are experiencing constipation during your pregnancy. On the contrary, plums or orange are very useful.
Drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach each morning is usually a very effective measure.
It is important to practice daily exercise in a moderate way: walking, performing prenatal gymnastics.
These solutions are much more advisable than resorting to laxatives or other drugs. although the doctor will prescribe them when he sees fit.
Now it is also not recommended to use enemas.
It is advisable for the mother to consume as much liquid as she can. Whether between or during meals, water consumption should be very abundant, not only for hydration, but also to soften stool and regulate traffic.
You must divide the meals. Making fractions and consuming small snacks throughout our day, as well as eating calmly or chewing properly, makes it easier to digest the food consumed.
5 home tips to relieve constipation if you are pregnant
- Take kiwi, orange juice or prunes rehydrated on an empty stomach.
- Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach.
- Applesauce and prunes in the morning.
- Add oat bran to yogurt.
- Before going to bed a glass of semi-skimmed milk.since it will also help reduce acidity.
What foods are best for you if you have constipation?
All those rich in fiber are going to be very beneficial, finding it in foods of natural origin such as vegetables and greens, fruits, legumes, cereals or nuts.
It will help us to take fresh and skinned fruits. Without forgetting to wash them well before consuming them, and it is advisable to take at least one salad a day.
It is preferable that pasta, bread, cereals or cookies are whole and not refined, since the fiber content is higher.
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