7 Homemade Snoring Solutions


7 Homemade Snoring Solutions: Noises when sleeping occurs when the air brushes against any of the structures of the pharynx and makes them vibrate.

Although it is difficult to get rid of them, they can be made to look more like a soft breath by putting these tips into practice.

  1. “Exercise” the tongue

Move your tongue to strengthen it (and prevent it from going backwards during sleep):

Take it out and take it as far as you can up and down, right and left, for 1 minute.

Do “motionless force.” Keep your tongue flat while straining your back to lower it as much as possible. The tip should be in contact with the incisors. Hold 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Press back. Open your mouth and lift your tongue. Press the tip against the hard part of the palate and “Slide” it back trying not to bend it until you reach the soft part. Repeat 20 times.

Pucker your lips and suck in the air like you’re drinking from a straw, tensing the muscles of your mouth and tongue. Hold in this position for 5 seconds, relax and repeat five times.

  1. Make an anti-snoring dinner

Opt for a last light meal. A heavy dinner will make your stomach fill up and end up pressing on the diaphragm, which is the muscle between the abdominal cavity and the pectoral, which plays an important role in breathing. If you dine lightly, you will breathe easier.

Avoid dairy at night if you think it may be causing mucus. Naturopathic doctors associate milk and its derivatives (such as yogurts) with allergies and this can end up affecting snoring.

Do not drink alcohol 4 hours before going to sleep. Doctors advise avoiding even a simple glass of wine, because alcohol produces hypotonia, that is, a loss of muscle tone that makes the pharyngeal area vibrate more.

  1. Sing before bed

This simple trick can help people who snore due to a lack of muscle tone in their throats, according to a study by the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in England.

Guttural exercises. According to research, practicing some sounds daily, such as saying the onomatopoeic word “unga” in different tones for about 18 minutes is an effective anti-snoring measure for these people.

Playing a wind instrument, such as the flute, also exercises the muscles of the pharyngeal area and, once lying down, the tissues do not obstruct the throat or begin to vibrate.

  1. Sew a tennis ball on the back of your pajamas

If you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate will lean against the back of your throat and narrow the passage of air.

To get used to sleeping on your side, you can sew a small bag on the back of your pajamas and put something inside, such as a small ball or chickpeas. It will make it uncomfortable for you to sleep on your back.

  1. Wear a soft foam cervical collar

Some people who have worn a neck brace for a whiplash (for example, after a car accident) have reduced their snoring at night because they have kept their chin extended and breathing has become more fluid.

You can try the soft foam ones to rest more comfortably.

  1. Ask to be awakened!

Every time you are touched or clicked, your brain becomes alert, increases the respiratory drive and activates the tone of the pharyngeal muscles.

That causes you to stop snoring. However, as soon as he falls into a deep sleep, the snoring returns. Although keep in mind that continuous awakenings can make your rest not deep.

  1. Do some sports daily

Regular exercise is associated with fewer sleep-disordered breathing, according to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine.

The reason is that physical activity also increases the muscle tone of the upper respiratory tract.

The fat from the pharynx seems to be redistributed even if you don’t end up losing weight. Moving regularly also improves breathing control.

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