Natural Home Remedies: It has been proved that home remedies work well for minor ailments. You need to make sure you do not use these for fighting diseases like cancer or other auto immune diseases. Small ailments, like headaches, colds, indigestion and more can be treated with these natural remedies. If you do not get any relief for a couple of days, it is important to consult a qualified doctor.
1.Chew Cloves for Toothache:
The compound present in cloves works as an analgesic, and can help to ease the toothache you are suffering from. You can either make a paste of clove and water or apply this to the affected area or you can just place the clove on the area.
You have the option of chewing on sesame seeds if you do not have cloves at home.
- Eat Kiwi for Insomnia:
Eating a kiwi at least a couple of hours before you hit the bed can help in inducing sleep. This fruit has a high level of serotonin which is an essential requirement for good sleep. Deficiency of folate can also lead to sleep problems. Kiwis have a high content of this, too.
- Eat Pears for high Cholesterol:
The absorption of bad cholesterol or LDL into the blood stream can be stopped by increasing your intake of pears. This is due to the soluble fiber, pectin, in pears. This binds with the cholesterol and ensures that it is carried out of the body before this can cause any harm.
- Pure Olive Oil for Constipation:
The consistency and texture of olive oil are perfect for treating constipation. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with an equal amount of olive oil and have this before you have your morning tea to get the required relief from constipation. You can have this on a regular basis if you are suffering from chronic constipation.
- Garlic for Stomach Bug:
Garlic has antibiotic properties and thus works well for killing any bacteria which cause stomach upsets. Ensure you eat this raw as cooked garlic does not help in any way for the stomach bug. Regular intake of garlic can also boost the immune system.
- Eat Beetroot for High Blood Pressure:
If you are suffering from high blood pressure ensure you consume beetroot every day. The nitrate present in this is converted into nitric acid on consumption. This relaxes the muscular walls of the blood vessels and brings down the blood pressure. You can have this raw in your salads or even juice it.
- Consume Turmeric for Heart Burn:
Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder in your meal if you suffer from persistent heartburn. This helps in the production of bile which can break down the food fast. This prevents the heartburn.
Home remedies are a better choice for tackling simple ailments as these are not only safer but also work out cost-effective. These can be easily found in your kitchen. If any ailment is not cured in a couple of days it is advisable to consult a doctor.
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