9 Things you must Know about the Allergy Shots


9 Things you must Know about the Allergy Shots

Now that one of the most dangerous times of the year for allergy patients is coming, spring, we intend to solve some of the most common questions that arise when talking about immunotherapy or allergy vaccines, as patients usually know them.

  1. From what age can allergen immunotherapy be received?

The current consensus of scientific societies on this subject sets it at 5 years, but a younger age would not be a contraindication for immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a personalized treatment and as such should be prescribed. That age is set to understand that, until then, the immature immune system of children may not show through skin or blood tests their allergic sensitizations.

  1. Are vaccines prepared with everything that gives us positive skin tests?

Do not. A positive skin or blood allergy test does not indicate disease by itself. It indicates that the patient is sensitized and that he has immunoglobulin E against that allergen, but not that this allergen (pollen, cat, etc.) is responsible for his symptoms. For this reason, it is so important that allergen immunotherapy is prescribed by an allergology professional, since the success of the vaccine depends on that prescription.

  1. Who makes allergy shots?

Pharmaceutical, multinational laboratories, many of them with medical, research and development departments adapted to the most modern and safest regulations. Your allergist will know how to recognize what they are.

  1. Are all allergy shots the same?

No. As with the manufacturing laboratories, your allergist will know how to recognize which vaccine is best suited to your case and needs. Not all laboratories have effective vaccines for all allergies (animals, pollens of different varieties, etc.).

  1. What are the vaccines in pills?

For several years, two types of vaccine have been marketed in dispersible sublingual pills (placed under the tongue and dissolved). Specifically, they exist for grass pollen and dust mites. They are marketed as drugs, that is, they are not manufactured like the rest of the vaccines that are injected. They have followed the same process and trials as other types of drugs.

  1. How much do allergy shots cost?

The price of vaccines is set by the Ministry of Health and the patient, with the prescription of Social Security, pays between 40 and 60 percent of its price (as it happens with the rest of the medicines), depending on their rent. Long-term unemployed do not pay for medicines.

  1. Can allergy shots be frozen?

Do not. Allergy shots are kept in the refrigerator at 4-6 degrees, away from food and isolated from odors and vapors. If your allergy shot has been frozen, you should throw it away and replace it with another. In the event that it has not been stored at the appropriate temperature, the safety and efficacy of the vaccine may not be guaranteed.


  1. Can a patient be vaccinated with several allergy vaccines at the same time?

It is not usual. The current protocols of scientific societies advise vaccines that contain one or two components. If it is shown that there is a relationship with the patient’s diseases, your allergist will assess in each case whether more than one vaccine is relevant.

  1. Are allergy shots effective?

Absolutely yes. Numerous scientific studies support this. But that effectiveness depends on a good personalized diagnosis and a suitable choice of vaccine for each patient. Always consult your trusted allergist.

  1. What side effects can you suffer with allergy shots?

Currently allergen immunotherapy is very safe, but there may still be reactions. The most common are local reactions, which occur at the injection site or, if sublingual, in the mouth. Itching, stinging, and bulking in the prick area are usually the most common symptoms and are treated very effectively with oral antihistamines. There may also be systemic reactions, that is, they affect the entire body, causing rhinitis, asthma, urticaria and that are extremely rare with new vaccines. To avoid them, your allergist will recommend that the first doses be administered at your own consultation for observation.

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